How can we create community to support Healing for Self and others.
Share your story - When you tell your story, you will find to your amazement that you are not the only one, and that you are accepted, validated and loved.
When you are vulnerable and courageous enough to reach out, you will find love and support from the Team + other members who really understand what you’re going through. There is so much universality in Human experience.
Taking the time to connect with others via posting, replying to other’s posts, and being present for the LIVE zoom meetings and sharing how you are doing the work helps us find inspiration, strength, hope and connection which contributes to our Healing exponentially.
Isolation can keep you stuck.
Connecting with others will help you find wisdom and personal examples from those who have been down the same path. This is a safe space where you can be honest and share your stressors.
This will help dissipate toxic shame. When you shine light on your Trauma, the Team and other members will support and will share their insights on courses, recommend books and other resources from the vast wisdom contained in the portal. This will facilitate the changes you want to make.
Your presence in the community may help you deal with procrastination and denial, because showing up is a constant reminder that you are your own Best Healer and keeping your small daily promise of logging in to do the work may help you gain your own trust.
Connecting with others will cultivate a self of belonging, and elevate your energy so you can do the Healing work consistently.
Finding a community that is in alignment with Self and then intentionally creating relationships that are healing for Self +other.